Saturday, October 9, 2010

Air pollution(Final draft)

                 Air pollution is actually the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. Many Factors came along the increase of the air pollution in Egypt like transportation and Industries.
                 On the one hand, many Egyptians rely upon extremely old vehicles for transportation. These vehicles not able to work satisfactorily  cause the carbon present in fuel to ineffectively react with oxygen during combustion, producing carbon monoxide or compressing to form particles of soot. The hydrocarbons do not burn completely and are released as gaseous hydrocarbons or absorbed by particles, increasing the particulate mass in the air. Consequently, People with chronic conditions like asthma and emphysema are especially vulnerable to short term exposure to air pollution. Nitrogen dioxide affects asthmatic people more intensely than others. It causes those with asthma to be more harmed to lung infections and asthma triggers. Sulfur dioxide affects people with chronic conditions as well. Since it tightens the airways it can cause people with asthma or emphysema to have stronger symptoms than normal and an increased lack of breath.                  In  my opinion, Driving less by using smaller electric vehicles, bikes or cars with computers to help attain optimal engine performance. Another help would be using alternative fuels and energy sources, an option many scientists are working on with an eye to the future.
          On the second hand, With the development in industry, came along the increase in air pollution, which occurs inside homes, schools, offices even in the countryside. Industrial facilities such as factories and plants emit toxic gases into the atmosphere. Another major source of toxic emissions in Egypt is the widespread open-air burning of trash and waste. Waste landfills also give off methane, which, although not toxic, is highly flammable and can react in the air with other pollutants to become explosive. Major industrial pollutants include sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. As a result, Global warming is largely considered one of the most perilous and serious complications associated with air pollution caused by industries and other stationary sources of air pollution. The liberation of certain gases such as methane, or CH4, and carbon dioxide, or CO2, together known as greenhouse gases, is often considered to be prime factors causing global warming. These greenhouse gases often result in an increase in the atmospheric temperature, causing global warming. Global warming has various serious implications both on the ecological balance as well as human health. It often results in the melting of glaciers and snow capped mountains, resulting in an increase in the water levels of seas and rivers, eventually increasing the risk of floods. Apart from this, global warming also often has numerous serious health risks on humans such as increase in diseases like . malaria and cholera among others. In my view, A major part reducing the warming is how we can recycle much of what we use instead of turning it into unusable waste. Recycling is incredibly important as a means to reduce poisonous emissions into the atmosphere and also to spare our natural resources. Today many companies and individuals are improving their recycling habits by coming up with ways to reduce what they use. They are also reusing much of the original materials sent out for consumer use. 
            All in all, air pollution is a serious problem in Egypt. We must join hands to banish this phenomenon , rather than blaming each other.


  1. Parts that need corrections:
    On the one hand, many Egyptians rely upon extremely old vehicles for transportation. These vehicles (which are) not able to work satisfactorily(use a comma here) cause the carbon present in fuel to ineffectively react with oxygen during combustion, producing carbon monoxide or compressing to form particles of soot.

    . In my opinion, Driving less by using smaller electric vehicles, bikes or cars with computers to help attain optimal engine performance (run on sentence, correct it).

    On the second hand, ○With (don’t use capital letter) the development in industry, came along the increase in air pollution

    As a result, Global warming is largely considered one of the most perilous (use a simpler word)
    like . (don’t use a full stop here) malaria and cholera among others. In my view, A (no capitalization) major part reducing the warming is how we can

    All in all, air pollution is a serious problem in Egypt. We must join hands to banish this phenomenon , rather than blaming each other (an interesting conclusion).

  2. hi tanseem.. you really write an excellent essay
    your essay has a clear purpose. you essay is well organized. each paragraph begins with a topic sentence .there is enough information that supports the main idea.but you should take care about the punctuation.
    i wish you all the best in your coming works.

  3. your essay is wonderful.
    your essay have a clear main idea.your introduction is amazing.your topic sentences are very attractive.your words are correctly.
    but you should use clear words.

  4. Hi Tanseem.Good work .Your essay is well organized and it has clear purpose and your introduction creates interest in the topic , but there are some words that is not clear .But the work as a whole is very nice.

  5. your essay is wonderful.and it is
    well organized and it has clear purpose .keep on this fantastic work. good by

    from : mai @ hoda

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your essay has a specific purpose . it has a clear main idea. Your introduction is is organized . your sentences are clear .Also, i like your ideas of solutions .
    very good essay my friend Tanseem. Allah blesses you .

  8. hi tanseem your essay isvery good ,and your sentences are very clear,and i like your solutions
